超激レア!!hip-o selectのjimmy cliff 4枚組です!かなり大事にしていたので新品同様の美品です☆ブック、見開きも折り跡を付けておらず超キレイです!※CDは紙スリーブの為多少の小さい傷はあるかもしれません。神経質なコレクターの方はご遠慮下さい!探されていた方やお好きな方是非♡収録内容も最高です!(内容についてはお調べください!)☆説明引用☆Jimmy Cliff was the first reggae artist to have an album released by a major label in the United States, but when 1970s Wonderful World, Beautiful People failed to click commercially, A&M elected not to issue any of his other records, even though they owned the rights to three previous albums Jimmy had cut for Island! All four albums come inside an embossed book with rare photos and extensive notes. Limited edition of 5000!#hip-o#jimmycliff